K I 4 P T Z

Front of our home You have just entered the world of  This is the home of Carrie and Mike Meehan and our family.   The rest of our family all happen to have four paws and fur.  We all live in a big house in Florida.

Those who may not know us too well may have a tough time understanding our Web site name.  The obvious part is the cats. 

A few years later and one new roof!
Back of our home The PRN has nothing to do with purring or printers or anything like that.  Both of us have a direct connection to the medical profession and that is where the PRN comes from.  PRN is the medical abbreviation for "as necessary" or "as needed."  The cats are very much necessary and needed.



My name is Simon Nouts.  I'm the new kid on the block here with Carrie and Mike.  December 3, 2007 I came home from the vet, a bit sore but doing much better now.  I am enjoying the big house and getting to know my brother and sisters.  I think I will like it here.



My name is Nigel,  and I am a boy cat.  Now that I have been in Florida for a while I like it.  At first I did not like it here and I was trying to destroy the house.  Well, that is all in the past.

I have promised to be a good boy from now on.

This is Angelica Hope.  She became a member of our family on August 18, 2002.  She is a special needs kitty who has been living at a shelter for over two years.  Her name there was Hope.  Her hope, hope of being adopted, is over.  She now has a loving home to call her own.

We will be working to help her skin condition and have a better life.

February 1, 2003:

Look at this little girl now... She has done great.  All her bad sores are healed.  We are so happy!
    April 4, 2004

Just a pure angel of a cat!

Here I am... September 2004.  You will notice that I have had surgery - the tumor on my left eye is GONE!

This is Afghan .  She is a very beautiful girl.  Our first Florida cat, she has made a very nice addition to our family.

So... she got a little hair cut for Summer!

Pretty Paws





The "Line-Up" as used for
our 2009 Christmas card.

Click to see full size picture.


<<<<<<     Amanda Annabelle
Unknown - 12/11/2004

Amanda's Memorial  <<click here

Cyan Cobalt ~2003 - 12/28/2006


CC Flea

~ 2003 - 12/28/06

She was a hurricane Charley refugee.

Her story... <<click here


Cyan's Memorial <<click here




Click on the pictures below to see full size view.

Deci and Lexus     Seven cats on bed !     Deci     Nigel  

The email addresses are: Mike: mike-at-catsprn-dot-com and Carrie: cemm-at-catsprn-dot-com  Had to take the "mailto" links out of the code to prevent the robots from doing their thing.  Just too much spam!!

          Mike's Amateur Radio call sign KI4PTZ

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Murphy Melrose - Mike's cat!


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Last update:  February 23, 2010
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